Temora Railway Precinct Master Plan - Draft Concept Designs

No longer on display. Expired on 06 September 2023, 11:55 PM

Community members and stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the draft concept designs for the Railway Precinct Master Plan. Appointed contractors, Somewhere Landscape Architects, have incorporated input gained from an initial round of consultation with the community and other major stakeholders, such as Transport for NSW and GrainCorp, undertaken throughout June and July.

To provide feedback:

  1. Please watch the video here: https://youtu.be/z2d2Ix19qZY
  2. Take the survey here:  www.surveymonkey.com/r/TemoraRPMP  or email temshire@temora.nsw.gov.au


You can also view the designs by downloading the following plans:

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L01_Masterplan.pdf(PDF, 10MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L02_The-Roundhouse.pdf(PDF, 7MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L03_Siding-No4.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L04_Wiradjuri-Welcome.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L05_Railway-Station.pdf(PDF, 4MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-Masterplan-L06_Boofheads.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-SECTIONS_L07.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

230531_TemoraRailwayPrecinct-VIEWS_L08.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

The draft concept plans will be on public exhibition for a period of two weeks commencing with an online video presentation of the design by the architects that is available to view from Wednesday, 23rd August.

There will also be a public drop-in session held at Diamonds & Dust from 10am to 4pm, Friday 1st September where community members can meet with the architects and discuss the plans.

Large posters displaying the design concepts with QR code links to the survey and paper surveys will be available for viewing in the following Council venues from Monday 28th August:

  • Library
  • Platform Y
  • Arts Centre
  • Council Chambers
  • Town Hall Foyer
  • Bundawarrah Centre
  • Recreation Centre

The consultation closes on Wednesday, 6th September.

Following the consultation period, the architects will incorporate the feedback into the final plans for presentation to Council before being placed on final public exhibition. Once adopted, the final plans will form the basis for the business case which is being developed to support the implementation of the designs in stages over time as funding becomes available.