Loftus Street Planning Proposal

No longer on display. Expired on 26 July 2024, 04:31 PM

Notification of Planning Proposal

Draft Amendment to Temora Local Environmental Plan 2010

Gallipoli Street, Hakea Street, Milvale Road and Loftus Street Temora

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Temora Shire Council gives notice of the public exhibition of a planning proposal.

The proposal involves an amendment to the Temora Local Environmental Plan 2010 to rezone land to residential and industrial zones and amend minimum lot sizes.

Details of the Planning Proposal can be inspected at Council’s offices, Loftus Street, Temora during office hours, or on Council’s website

Any written submissions on the planning proposal, addressed to the General Manager, are required to be received by Council by Friday 26 July 2024, via mail, hand delivered to Council’s offices or emailed to

Any enquiries about the draft amendment can be made to Council’s Town Planner, Claire Golder by phoning 6980 1108 or email