Temora Flood Plain Risk Study

No longer on display. Expired on 23 July 2021, 04:30 PM

Temora Shire Council has engaged consultants to undertake the Temora Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.  The study is jointly funded by Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and aims to build community resilience towards flooding through informing better planning of development, emergency management and community awareness.  Council has established a Floodplain Risk Management Committee which is comprised of relevant council members, state government agencies and community representatives.  If you are interested in joining the Floodplain Risk Management Committee as a community representative, then please register your interest with Council using the contact details below.

The Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan will build on the results of the Temora Flood Study which was completed in 2019 and defined flood behaviour at Temora under present day conditions.  The figure over the page shows the indicative extent of the 1 in 100 annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood within the extent of the study area which covers both the Trigalong Creek catchment and the urbanised parts of the town.  An electronic copy of the Temora Flood Study can be accessed at the following link:


The flood models originally developed as part of the Temora Flood Study will be updated as part of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and validated against observed flood behaviour from the storm event that occurred in Temora on 23 March 2021.

The main aim of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan is to assist Council in refining strategic plans for mitigating and managing the effects of existing flood risk (associated with existing development on flood prone land), future flood risk (associated with any new development on flood prone land) and continuing flood risk (the risk remaining in both existing and future development areas after floodplain risk management measures are implemented).

Have Your Say on Floodplain Management

An important step in the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan is to appraise what flood related issues are important to the community.  The attached questionnaire has been provided to residents and businesses to assist the Consultant in gathering this important information.  All information provided will remain confidential and for use in this study only.  Please return the completed Questionnaire to Council’s offices or email a scanned copy to temora@lyallandassociates.com.au by Friday 23 July 2021.

Contact: Temora Shire Council

Claire Golder | Town Planner/Strategic Projects Officer

Phone: (02) 6980 1108

Email: cgolder@temora.nsw.gov.au

Download the questionnaire(DOC, 4MB) to be returned to Council by July 23rd 2021.