Proposed Airpark Estate

No longer on display. Expired on 09 September 2020, 04:00 PM

Proposed 40 lot subdivision for Airpark Estate

Lot 2 DP 2095557 and Lot 1112 DP 750587 Bartondale Road and 44 Airport Street

Applicant: Temora Shire Council

Application no. 53/2020

Council will consider written submission until 4pm Wednesday 9 September 2020. Written submissions should be addressed to the General Manager and sent via mail to PO Box 262 Temora NSW 2666, email or hand delivered to Council’s offices at 105 Loftus Street Temora.

If you have any questions about the development application, please contact Council’s Town Planner Claire Golder on 6980 1108.

Statement of Environmental Effects(PDF, 2MB)

Temora Airpark Estate Subdivision(PDF, 157KB)