Publicly available information
These documents are:
1. Information about Council
- The model code of conduct prescribed under section 440(1) of the Local Government Act
- Council's adopted Code of Conduct(PDF, 569KB)
- Council's Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 432KB)
- Annual Report
- Annual Financial Reports
- Auditor's Report
- Delivery Program
- EEO Management Plan(PDF, 299KB)
- Councillor(PDF, 251KB) Expenses and Facilities Policy(PDF, 251KB)
- Returns of the Interests of Councillors, Designated Persons and Delegates which can be found under our Councillor Profiles and Senior Staff Profiles
- Agendas and Minutes of Council/Committee meetings (except meetings that are closed to the public)
- Land Register (available at Council office)
- Register of Investments (available at Council office)
- Register of Delegations (available at Council office)
- Register of Voting on Planning Matters(PDF, 149KB) 2021
- Register of Voting on Planning Matters 2022(PDF, 115KB)
- Register of Voting on Planning Matters 2023(PDF, 113KB)
- Register of Voting on Planning Matters 2024(PDF, 129KB)
- Register of current Declarations of Disclosures of Political Donations
2. Plans and Policies
3. Information about Development Applications
Development Applications and any associated documents received in relation to a proposed development, eg:
- Recently Approved Development Applications
- Developer Contributions Register(PDF, 154KB)
- Home Warranty Insurance documents (available at Council Office)
- Construction Certificates (available at Council Office)
- Occupation Certificates (available at Council Office)
- Structural Certification Documents (available at Council Office)
- Town Planner Reports (available at Council Office)
- Submissions received on Development Applications (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
- Heritage Consultant Reports (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
- Tree Inspections Consultant Reports (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
- Land Contamination Consultant Reports (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
- Records of decisions on Development Applications including decisions on appeals (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
- Records describing the general nature of documents that Council decides to exclude from public view after application of public interest test considerations (Information available on NSW Planning Portal website or by contacting Council)
To find the list of required documents to make a development application, please refer to Development Application webpage.
4. Approvals, Orders and Other Documents
- Applications for approvals under part 7 of the LGA
- Applications for approvals under any other Act and any associated documents received
- Records of approvals granted or refused, any variation from Council Policies with reasons for the variation, and decisions made on appeals concerning approvals
- Orders given under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the LGA, and any reasons given under section 136 of the LGA
- Orders given under the Authority of any other Act
- Records of Building Certificates under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- Plans of land proposed to be compulsorily acquired by Council
- Compulsory Acquisition Notices
- Leases and Licenses for use of Public Land classified as Community Land
Copies of documents provided are given for information purposes only and are provided by Council to meet its requirements under relevant legislation. Copyright laws still apply to each document. The copyright-owner's consent is required if any part of the document is used for any other purpose.