What information is Open Access Information?

Council publishes open access, or mandatory release, information on its website unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure or do so would impose an unreasonable additional cost on Council.  In respect of the latter the Council will make the information freely available in another format eg hard copy at the Council Administration Office.  

The open access information is:

  • Council's policy documents;
  • A Information Guide(PDF, 685KB) with information about the council's structure and functions, and listing the type of information that is publicly available;
  • A disclosure log (see below) of formal access applications where in council's opinion the information released may be of interest to other members of the public;
  • A register of contracts worth more than $150,000 that council has with private sector bodies; and
  • A record of open access information that council does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure.
  • To request access to information, including environment and planning documents, download the Information Request Form.

Information Request Form(DOC, 98KB)

Download the Disclosure Log(PDF, 142KB)