Road Naming

Authority to Act:

Under the Roads Act 1993, Temora Shire Council are the road naming authority in conjunction with the Geographical Names Board (GNB).

Road naming authorities must adhere to the procedure outlined in the NSW Road Regulation 2018 and policy outlined in the NSW Address Policy and User Manual.


Why Road Names Are Important?

If road names are not officially and correctly recorded, this can impede the delivery of emergency and other services to residents and businesses. With the centralisation of emergency service operational dispatch centres in NSW, uniqueness is the most essential quality when proposing a new road name. Duplication of similar and like sounding road names should be avoided as these names can cause confusion for operational dispatch and delay emergency response times.

The naming of roads in NSW is standardised to ensure that the process is transparent and easy to understand for regulatory bodies and members of the community. A consistent approach to road naming benefits emergency services, transport and goods and service delivery and provides opportunities for community consultation when determining road names