No longer on display. Expired on
22 March 2021, 04:30 PM
Under Section 3.35 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, Temora Shire Council gives notice of the public exhibition of the Draft Temora Shire Council Crown Reserve Land Generic Plan of Management (PoM).
The purpose of the draft Generic PoM is to provide for the management of all Council Crown Reserves that are not sportfields, parks or other special purpose reserves. The sites are: Temora Caravan Park; Ariah Park Depot Dam; Sebastopol Reserve; Marble Quarry Rest Area; Combaning School Site; Gidginbung School Site; Cnrs Gardner Street, Old Cootamundra Road and Gallipoli Street; Springdale Recreation Reserve; Ariah Park Garbage Tip; Reefton RFS Shed; Lot 4 DP 1127978 Reefton Recreation Reserve; Lot 1138 DP 750587 Milvale Road Narraburra and Lot 267 DP 750587 Milvale Road Narraburra.
Details of the draft Generic PoM can be inspected at Council’s offices, Loftus Street, Temora during office hours, or by download below.
Any written submissions on the draft Generic PoM are required to be received by Temora Shire Council by Monday 22nd March 2021.
Draft Temora Shire Council Crown Reserve Land Generic Plan of Management(PDF, 2MB)