Temora Sewage Negative Again
Published on 09 September 2021
Council has been advised that testing of the sewage sampling undertaken on Monday 6 September has found no evidence of Covid fragments. This is the second consecutive negative test following two samples that tested positive.
Mayor Rick Firman said, “We are delighted that the testing did not find evidence of fragments in the Temora sewage. To have this confirmed by a second test is very pleasing.”
The testing undertaken by NSW Health is, by necessity, very time specific, so results should be treated with caution. General Manager Gary Lavelle said, “ We are comforted by the second negative test result, however this does not rule out the possibility that there are still people shedding infected fragments. What we know is that there were people with the Covid virus who were in Temora. They may still be here, they may have left or they are no longer shedding.” He added, “Residents should maintain the hygienic practices and follow health guidelines to remain safe.”
Cr Firman encourages all residents to get the jab, get tested if showing any symptoms and follow the golden rules of wearing a mask, social distancing and hygiene.
“At this stage, it appears that Temora Shire may be out of lockdown in the very near future. This is great news, however I strongly encourage residents to follow all the rules and not be complacent. We have all seen how quickly a situation can deteriorate,” he said.
At this stage, tests of Temora sewage will continue on a weekly basis.