Powering communities Program
Published on 24 May 2021
The Powering Communities Program supports the Australian Government’s commitment to assist community organisations to lower their energy bills and improve their energy efficiency practices. The program will fund small projects in each of the 151 Federal electorates to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
A total of $10.2 million is available for the program. Each electorate will receive up to $67,700 for allocation to successful applications. A maximum of 12 projects will be funded in each electorate.
Under the program, the grant funding for each project will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs.
- The minimum grant amount is $5,000
- The maximum grant amount is $12,000
You are responsible for any remaining eligible project expenditure above the maximum grant amount awarded plus any ineligible expenditure.
Community consultation is a critical element of the program. Members of Parliament (MPs) must establish a community consultation committee, or engage an existing community consultation committee to identify potential applicants and projects within their electorate. The identified projects must be consistent with the program’s intended outcomes and eligibility criteria.
Are you eligible?
A not-for-profit organisation is an organisation that is not operating for the profit or gain of its individual members.
For the purposes of this program, not-for profit organisations must also be an incorporated legal entity with a current Australian Business Number (ABN).
If your organisation is not an incorporated not-for-profit entity you are not eligible to apply. However, you may be able to nominate a project sponsor that is an incorporated not-for-profit entity that could apply on your behalf provided they also meet the program’s eligibility criteria.
Any incorporated not-for-profit organisation that is not owned by a Commonwealth, state or territory government, is eligible to apply.
Examples of not-for-profit organisations may include:
- police and citizen youth clubs
- child care centres
- surf clubs
- local aged care bodies
- non-distributing co-operatives
- companies limited by a guarantee
- Indigenous not-for-profit corporations
- some local emergency service volunteer organisations.
For more information please download and read the attached documentation:
Expression of Interest Form(PDF, 362KB)
Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 339KB)
Powering Communities Program Grant Opportunity Guidelines(PDF, 641KB)
Factsheet(PDF, 361KB)