Pledge to Drive So Others Survive

Published on 18 May 2021


National Road Safety Week is about highlighting the need for all drivers to make safe choices when travelling on our roads. Usually, crashes don’t occur because just one thing has gone wrong and most crashes can be avoided by making safe and responsible choices.

What can you do as a driver to keep yourself, your passengers and other road users safe? Think about being fully prepared and fit to drive:

  • Don’t drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Some prescription medication can influence your ability to drive. Discuss with your pharmacist or doctor about any side effects of your medication
  • Be well rested before driving. 25.9% of all crashes in the Temora Shire involved fatigue. When driving, if you start to get fidgety, yawn or lose concentration, pull over somewhere safe and take a break, even if you think you’re nearly home - it might just save your life.

Test how tired you might be before you get behind the wheel at: • Avoid distractions, especially mobile phones

  • Concentrate on your surrounds
  • Allow extra time to reach your destination and make a conscious effort to maintain a safe speed: 24.1% of all crashes in the Temora Shire involved speed
  • Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front
  • Obey all signs and road rules
  • Wear The Damn Belt: 3.9% of all crashes within the Temora Shire involved non-restraint use. That includes seatbelts, motorcycle helmets, and child restraints/car seats

As the driver, you are responsible for your passengers and other road users, so let’s Be Good Sports and a make conscious effort to obey the road rules to get home safely to our loved ones and help to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our roads.

Take the pledge at:

For up-to-date road safety information follow Temora Shire Council’s Road Safety Officer’s Facebook page @4ShiresRoadSafety

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