Hoskins Street Road Pavement Improvements
Published on 02 June 2022
Have you recently observed surveyors working in Hoskins Street, Temora and wondered what they were doing?
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is the road manager for state highways, just like Temora Shire Council is for our own local roads.
Burley Griffin Way and Goldfields Way are both classified state highway roads under TfNSW management, but did you know this also includes the urban sections of these roads through Hoskins Street, Victoria Street, Vesper Street and Junee Road?
When a state road goes through an urban centre, TfNSW is responsible for the maintenance and upgrade works for the centre nine metres of road as depicted in the image attached. Council is the responsible road manager outside that nine metre centre section.
Temora Shire Council does operate under a Roads Maintenance Council Contract (RMCC) which means we are contracted to TfNSW to undertake maintenance and capital works projects as planned and agreed upon by TfNSW as the road manager.
Have you also noticed the declining condition and rough surface of the road pavement through Hoskins Street? This is why TfNSW surveyors have been recently working in Hoskins Street capturing survey data to coincide with road pavement geotechnical testing and underground drainage asset inspections.
This work is all being completed as lead up design work for a large capital project TfNSW is funding in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 respective financial years. The project aims to upgrade the road pavement and surface from south of the Victoria Street intersection through to the northern side of Grey Street intersection. This multi-million dollar capital upgrade project will vastly improve the road pavement, compared to its current condition, but will see significant interruptions to vehicular and pedestrian movements during the construction phase.
Once the project final design is completed by TfNSW and provided to council, consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders, including businesses in Hoskins Street, as part of the planning phase of the project.