Could You Be Owed Compensation?
Published on 02 August 2021
Approximately 280,000 workers who suffered a workplace injury between October 2012 and October 2019 are being encouraged to come forward to see if they are owed money on their workers compensation claim.
There are more than 24,000 workers in the Illawarra and South East NSW region who may be eligible for reassessment of their past weekly workers compensation payments.
NSW workers compensation insurer icare (formerly WorkCover NSW) is inviting NSW workers to request a reassessment of their past weekly workers compensation payments, to ensure they have been paid correctly.
In 2012, the way workers compensation payments in NSW were calculated changed.
This changed the information required and the calculation process insurance companies used to determine the weekly compensation payments for people who had suffered a work-related injury.
icare, which replaced WorkCover NSW, initiated a review of how weekly workers compensation payments were calculated by insurers. icare looked into a sample of payments and found some incorrect calculations. In some instances, this may have resulted in people being underpaid.
So if you or someone you care for received payments from 2012 onwards, you may be owed money.
Find out if you’re owed money:
To lodge an assessment, all you need to do is meet the criteria for eligibility, then complete and submit an online form. icare will then pass your enquiry to a claims manager who will evaluate your claim –they will contact you to let you know they’ve received your request.
As part of the process, you may need to provide further information regarding your past earnings; like pay slips, leave records and other pay information to help with your assessment.
To see if your situation can be assessed and to find out more, go to: Visit
Fact Sheet(PDF, 350KB)