Aged Care & Disability Services
Enhancing our community for all community members to live, work and play
People with disability, their families and carers have the same rights as all people to access services and facilities in their community.
Council’s planning is meaningfully based on the views, strengths, priorities and aspirations of our community. The Disability Inclusion Action Plan(PDF, 30MB) 2023-26 includes a series of actions designed to actively address the barriers faced by people with disability.
This Plan(PDF, 30MB) builds on our previous plans and outlines how we will continue to improve access to Council facilities and services, as well as advocating for improvements in our Shire.
Pinnacle Community Services
Pinnacle Community Services provides services and support for older people, people with disabilities, families and carers in Temora Shire. These services support people to live with dignity and independence in their own homes within their community. They strive to promote the wellness, reablement and independence of their clients helping them to live their life their way.
Pinnacle Community Services provides aged care services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program, which includes Meals on Wheels and Community Transport. Pinnacle Community Services is also an approved provider for individual Home Care Packages. Residents are encouraged to contact My Aged Care on their website here or by phone on 1800 200 422 for information about eligibility and access.
Pinnacle Community Services is registered NDIS provider for Support Co-ordination, Plan Management and many direct support services to participants with an NDIS Plan. Residents are encouraged to contact the NDIS on their website here on 1800 800 110 for information about eligibility and access.
Pinnacle Community Services operates under a section 355 committee of Temora Shire Council which provides support & direction to the programs. The management, coordination and day to day operations are carried out by appropriately qualified Pinnacle Community Services staff along with assistance from volunteers for some of our programs.
Pinnacle Community Services Temora
294 Hoskins St
Temora NSW 2666
(02) 6977 1326
Seniors Festival Program
Seniors Festival is celebrated between 3 - 16 March 2025. To see what is happening in Temora Shire for seniors, download our Seniors Festival Program.(PDF, 570KB)