The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 sets out in Section 7.12 that:
A consent authority may impose, as a condition of development consent, a requirement that the applicant pay a levy of the percentage, authorised by a contributions plan, of the proposed cost of carrying out the development.
The Section 7.12 Fees for Temora Shire Council are:
Estimated development cost
Maximum fee payable
Up to $100,000
$100,001 - $200,000
0.5% of the development cost
More than $200,000
1% of the development cost
The rates shown are half the maximum rate that Councils are allowed to collect.
The intention of the Developer Contributions Plan is to support Council in the delivery of additional community facilities, in a more timely manner. Where Council is able to make a financial contribution towards community projects, this assists in the support of grant applications to complete the identified projects.
Developer Contributions Plan(PDF, 201KB)
This plan commenced on 24 November 2022.
Council adopted the Temora Flood Study at the July 2019 Council Meeting.
You can view the details of the flood study here
The Temora Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010 is the main planning document that controls development in Temora Shire. This document is made by the NSW Minister for Planning.
The LEP comprises a written instrument and supporting land use maps.
The local profile and study provides background about how Temora came to develop the new LEP.
The Temora Shire Development Control Plan 2012 is a supporting document to the Temora LEP. This document is prepared and adopted by Council. It provides additional guidance and controls about different types of development and land uses. The documents from the Development Control Plan 2012 can be viewed in the next section.
The Temora LEP 2010 land use tables translation(PDF, 487KB) outlines upcoming changes to zoning. What used to be known as Zone B6 Enterprise Corridor will soon be known as E3 Productivity Report. This zoning can be seen in the blue area of the map below.

The environmental study for the Shire of Temora was released as a precursor to the new Local Environmental Plan.
It embodies information collected by the Shire Council to assist with the preparation of the new plan, and includes comments, corrections and suggestions which followed its public circulation during 2004.
Further information is available from Council's Environmental Services Department on (02) 6980 1100.
The LES reports can be downloaded below.
If you wish to access Council's Local Environment plan - click on this external link
Planning Portal offers a faster, easier way to get approval for certain types of development; including renovations and additions.
The system lets you lodge complying development applications online. A complying development is a straight-forward residential development that meets specific criteria and can be determined by councils, without the need for a full development application. This includes renovations, extensions, first floor additions and garages.
Applications are assessed under the NSW Housing Code for lots that are 200 m2 and above.
You can also find out changes you can make that don’t require planning approval, known as an exempt development.
NSW councils and the Department of Planning and Environment are offering the system to industry professionals including builders, planners, developers and architects; as well as home owners.
Owner's Consent Form(PDF, 118KB)
The Temora Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement is a document used by Temora Shire Council, the community and developers to guide the current and future land use for Temora Shire over the next 20 years.
Temora Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement(PDF, 4MB)