Development Application (DA)

A Development Application (DA) is a request that you can make to Council to carry out various types of development such as:

  •     Building a residential, commercial or industrial building
  •     Making an alteration or addition to a residential, commercial or industrial property
  •     Subdividing land
  •     Strata subdividing a building
  •     Changing the use of a building

From July 1 2021, Temora Shire Council is required to provide all of its planning services online. This is a requirement of all Councils by the NSW Government. 

In order to use this service, you must register using a Service NSW account. Many residents will already have an account through other NSW Government programs.

The ePlanning program allows users to submit a Development Application (DA) online through the Planning Portal. Council can review the DA and request and receive additional documents before making a determination.

We recommend you follow this procedure when making a development application:

1. Contact Council to make an appointment for a pre-submission consultation with a Council representative who will help you determine what documents you will require and provide you with estimated costs. To book a consultation phone 6980 1100 or email

2. Register or log in to the Planning Portal using a Service NSW account.

3. Gather your documents, such as:

  • Statement of Environmental Effects(DOC, 106KB)
  • Plans of the proposed development (including site plans, floor plans, elevations and sections).
  • Plans demonstrating proposed landscaping
  • Plans of existing development (if being retained wholly or partly)
  • Subdivision plans (if proposed)
  • Supply of water or sewer documents
  • Stormwater plan
  • BASIX Certificate (if applicable), and plans demonstrating commitments

Your Development Application should address all relevant matters upfront in your Statement of Environmental Effects(DOC, 106KB) (SEE). This will help to ensure an efficient and smooth process.

A range of plans and documents must be submitted with your appliation. The specific plans and documents will vary depending on your development. A pre-lodgement consultation with a Council representative will help you determine which documents you will require, and what costs you will incur.

4. Lodge

Once you have lodged your DA or CDC, Council staff will email you to advise you of the relevant application fees. You can choose to pay online directly to Council using a bank transfer payment, or you may visit Council’s office during business hours to pay by EFT, credit card or cash.

Once your application is determined, Council will email you with the determination.

If you do not have access to a computer, there are computers available at the Temora Library, or Council planning staff can assist you to lodge your application online at Council’s offices, by appointment.

Useful Resources

Follow this link for information about planning

To lodge a DA, follow this link 

To access quick reference guides follow this link 

Watch a YouTube video that provides an overview of the planning portal

Watch an introduction to the background to the planning portal here

Watch a step by step video of how to lodge a DA online. **Thanks to Central Coast Council for this video

Watch a step by step video of how to lodge a Complying Development Certificate (CDC). **Thanks to Central Coast Council for this video

Please contact Council if you are not sure if your development is complying development

Other videos are also available, including lodging Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificate and Subdivision Certificate. **Thanks to Central Coast Council for these videos




Property Information Request

If your proposed development cannot be considered exempt or complying development, a Development Application must be submitted for Council assessment. These controls provide information regarding those minimum requirements for the lodgement of Development Applications and supporting information with Council.

Property Information Request Form(PDF, 276KB)



Pre-Lodgement Consultation

Prior to lodgement of a DA, it is requested that applicants consult with Council. This consultation will assist the assessment of your development application by ensuring that all the necessary information is provided to Council officers in order to assess the proposal. Consultations can occur in person, via phone, email or video conferencing. Call Council on 6980 1100 or email to arrange consultation.
The requirements in these controls are based on those statutory matters in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Regulations (as amended) regarding information required to support Development Applications.



From July 1st 2021, all submissions of a DA must be done via the Planning Portal. This is a requirement of all Councils by the NSW Government. In order to use the service, you must first register using a Service NSW account. Most residents will already have an account through other NSW Government programs.

If you do not have access to the technology required, or require assistance in lodging your DA, please contact Council on 6980 1100 and we will arrange for you to be guided through the process with our staff.

Applications for development should be submitted with:

  • a completed Council Development Application
  • the prescribed fee
  • a minimum of four copies of the site and development plans at an appropriate scale (1:100, 1:200, 1:500). Where practical, plans at A3 are preferred.

The types of plans required are:

  1. A site plan showing the location of the proposed building on the site.
  2. A floor plan showing the size and uses on any building or rooms.
  3. Elevations showing the appearance, height and levels of any buildings.
  4. For any development other than residential, additional information as indicated on the development application form, is required.

Structural certificates, specification, survey certificates etc are not required to be prepared for submission with the Development Application.

Refer to the Development Applications chapter of the DCP for further detail of information to be included with a DA.
When preparing plans for submission to Council, applicants should consider the following professional services:

  • Registered Architects (or at minimum suitable plan drawing services),
  • Landscape Architects
  • Landscape Designers
  • Land Surveyors
  • Qualified Civil / Structural Engineers.

A Statement of Environmental Effects will be required to support a DA to Council. For simple applications, such as dwellings and sheds, Council has a Statement of Environmental Effects form(DOC, 106KB)  which must be completed by the applicant.

For more complex applications, further detail is necessary for assessment. Applicants should consider engaging professional consultants to assist with the preparation of their Statement of Environmental Effects.

Applicants should discuss their proposal with Council to ascertain the requirements at the pre planning stage.

Local constraints including flooding (local or major waterbodies or rivers), fill, geotechnical hazards or other constraints that may affect the site should be fully detailed in the statement of environmental effects.

Council or Private Accredited Certifier

On obtaining Development Consent, you now have a choice of having the construction plans and building inspections assessed by Council or a Private Accredited Certifier.

A Construction Certificate must be applied for and approved by either Council or a Private Accredited certifier prior to any building work being undertaken.


DA Forms and Guides

Please note that from July 1st 2021, all DA submissions will be required to be lodged via the Planning Portal as stipulated by the NSW Government. Paper forms will no longer be accepted.


You can access the Planning Portal here. If you do not have access to suitable technology, or if you require assistance lodging your DA online, please contact Council on 6980 1100 or email to arrange for a Council staff member to assist you in our offices.